JimmyYoung and JoenB75 - yes the elders do protect their children. I actually managed to df the GB before they put me in the catapult. But just before I took the password of the website I had built for df'ing the GB, I went to an elder who had been a good friend to me. I went to see if he would do anything to help me me so I didn't take the password off.
The issue I was talking to this elder about was that the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership really was the 3rd year of Jehoiakim's rulership. He said, "you can't be certain." I said I was certain. Then he said, "you are irrational." I said, "will you look at the scriptures and show me where I am wrong?" He said, "no."
But his daughter committed adultery. She was going to be df'd but he sorted it for her because he did not want to be cut off from her. As for me, when he passes me now, he turns his face towards the hedge.
Half Banana - I am glad I am out of that cult. Also not everyone is shunning me. But thought I'd share my life on the shun with you all today.
Fink - I know it, believe it and accept it. I learnt a lesson - it was good education, even if I had to learn from my mistakes.
ToesUp - I am enjoying my freedom. It is wierd being shunned, laughable in one way, hurtful in another. But being thrown out by them is great in one way. I have freedom of speech and I am glad I have my voice. They tried to gag me and failed.
Tameria2001 - I am glad not to be associated with such a mind-control cult. It is vile. It is not Christian.